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Video Contest

POSNA’s Public Education and Media Relations (PEMR) Committee and the OrthoKids team, invite new POSNA members to submit a short video aimed at patients and parents, focused on a topic covering general orthopaedic patient care. 

Videos need not be "flashy" or complex. Can be something as simple as a brief slide show showcasing a clinical topic or condition that is of interest to you! Feel free to submit as a standalone file, or create it in a social media site's native editing feature, such as Reels.

View an example video here!

Prizes will be awarded for the top 3 videos: 1st prize = $500, 2nd = $300, 3rd = $200.

Video Contest parameters:

  • All current POSNA Members in fellowship, or who are first or second year attendings are eligible to participate.
  • Less than 3 minutes duration (60 to 90 seconds preferred)
  • Topic focused on patient care
  • Multiple entries are acceptable
  • All videos must abide by your hospital’s patient privacy policies. If you want to spotlight a patient, POSNA has an established patient photo/video authorization form to utilize to assure patient protection, available by request.
  • Submissions should be uploaded to DropBox, YouTube or other hosting platform, and submitted to, by March 1st, 2025.

Teamwork is encouraged. Join up with fellow fellows or board eligible partners!

Please direct any questions to Patrick Keane at